Behind every product, there is a story.



About Aktive247

The internet is now very essential to our society but the big telecom companies keep increasing data costs. Students, workers, businesses and all are affected by these increase.

There has to be a better way to fix this and we solved that already. You don't have to pay.

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About Frauddetector

The internet is one of the best thing that ever happened to us. Today, there are a over millions of websites on the internet. Among these websites on the internet, millions of them are a scam!

This tool combines the Google crawlers with OpenAI standard of AI algorithms to detect fake websites and protect you from being hacked or defrauded.

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emoji quiz app

Emoji Quiz App

About Emoji Quiz App

Let's see how well you understand these emojis!

Hey Friend! I bet you use emoji's everyday.
But do you know the real meaning of these emoji's?
Find out by downloading this app!

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About Zerrohost

We provide you with all you need to scale up your website and you only pay for what you use.

Our mission is to bring ease and reduce cost in your online business and we did that by providing an affordable pricing for the technology that your business needs.

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AHNERSP is Affordable Housing aNd Easy Rent Services Provider.

Live wherever you wish without struggling to pay the bills.

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